Monday, May 25, 2020

Argumentative Essay About The Influence Of Vegetarian Diets On Body

Vegetarianism: Pros Cons As the recent studies showed, more than 3% of the US adult people are vegetarians; 10% of others claim that they got used to follow vegetarian diet; 5% of them claim they are interested in vegetarian diet sometime in the future. Usually people become vegetarians because of a number of set reasons. Almost all of them are related to the state of their health. 53% of people who gave up meat say that they follow vegetarian diet in order to improve their health condition. Among the rest of the reasons there are: animal safety, environmental cases, weight loss, weight upholding, etc. The point is that along with the fans of such lifestyle there are also those people who are very critical about vegetarianism. What about experts and doctors? What do they say about vegetarian way of life? Is it a good way of health improving? Can it cause any harm to our health? Or is it something in between? Let’s first take a look at the advantages of being vegetarian. A lot of experts claim that there’s nothing bad in having vegetarian way of life. According to them, it is even good. As it was claimed by the American Dietetic Association, once you decide to follow vegetarian diet, you get a guarantee of heart diseases’ low rate, get an opportunity to avoid high blood pleasure, diabetes and some cancer forms. Moreover, vegetarians usually do not have problems with the cholesterol level and overweight. Vegetarian diet is the right way to strong immune system. The most important fact, however, is – vegans live up to 10 years longer than the people who eat meat. Thus, we may draw a conclusion that people can live without meat. It is possible to get all the necessary food elements from the meatless products and substances.

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